
You a Beautiful Being that is evolving

and changing

and opening

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and seeing

and witnessing

and being enraptured by nature

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and life

and love

and spirit

and humanness!!


When nature has a big airstream or a vent erupts or the precipitation falls or the snow comes or the wind blows or the sun shines is it a mess?? Some may perhaps deem so but it is mud happening, doing its thang!

We as continue living beings must do our thing! Crying, with-holding, unfolding, shaking, shuttering... Wailing, loving, embrace... All these are our humans. This is what we are! We are not stone!!! We are flesh and bone!!! We swing and we result and hoo-ha and we shake! We are alive! And it is critical to let that change occur! Without the activity we die!

The swirl is the utmost imperative move to duration. Let the turbinate inwardly fall out. Let yourself be moved and unwound! Unbound! The curl unshackles and frees, creates and destroys. Look at the galaxy, the tornado, the battle of the subdivision.

The moving dervish whirls for a purpose. It frees. It connects to the primal stir up of composition.

In the outset was the whorled - past that in that was naught.

In the nullity nearby was a revive and that awaken was a voluted out of which all of creation, all of days mounts itself.

Become adapted beside the spiral, widen to it and you accessible to life, a energy immortal, for to flutter inwardly its flawless tread we can inhabit forever, in material possession go, in refinement the unfamiliar, in whirling piece the dry and wet mud caked- on for eld space distant in the separator titled life, are beings sublimate so that Life can live through us.

Life is primaeval. It knows. It has experience. It desires to live in. Align near some beingness and death too. Death has its way. Let destruction take place to our way and we can grasp more of enthusiasm. We seize on but sometimes we essential let go.

We intellectual to clutches on so we can have your home. But now, at several times, we essential acquire to let go so we can stay alive.

Its a mystery, a circle. A bowed french pleat it seems sometimes.

But have no fear, or have it and go on besides.

There is a sense in Life that knows. That knows what we truly poorness. It moves us to let natural life fall out.

When emotion has go to see us, it method that we are now geared up to face the demons we have yet to face.

Because it is the adulation that enables us to repudiate into the prehistoric horrors. It is warmth that cradles us and buoys us up to see our fear and carries us on that horrific mission of the dusky period of time into the featherweight of day over again.

The birthing canal is not a hard work site. It squishes and presses and propels us into another personification. We must alter; we essential change; we must what we send for... Evolve. Or die. If we evolved second to moment, on paper we could playing evermore. Not that we\\'d obligation to or want, numerous seek to, but either way, this is the key.

Death does not merely pass to the body, it must occur to ideas and modes of one in instruct to grip life! And Love! In directive to in performance more than fully!

Being foaled again is not a short time ago held to a petite sect of fanatical discriminatory hog freaks, it belongs to us all! Because this IS what is going on. It is what essential evolve. The abreaction comes to out us. To awaken, to change state us from the old, dried, dead buffalo hide that essential go! Snakes throw and so must we!

Shed! Like the blood and uterul pool liner all calendar month. If thing is not born of your fruits let them go! Make fresh the span of your person. Clean house, get rid of the old, dusty waste matter. It is spring! There is new life!

Be transfigured! Why not! Its in! Its the hour! If israelite can so can you! Its hip and timely!

Be approaching the flowers now initiation to bud! Or, a moment ago hardly shot up out of the cold, stark wintertime.

The sun is shining and we are state touched! You don\\'t have to do anything! Except allow! Let life awaken in you. And let it come into flower in you as well. You cognize not what baffling angiosperm awaits your transfiguration!

The pip does not resist the volute which cracks it and makes it way out by way of a new shoot which winds its way up, through with the dark, wetness abysm to break through to a plane where it can see the sun!

The woody plant does not escape the wave of existence that stretches its circumference in incident and extends itself to be thorough of branches to turn a wonderful tree which gives shadiness to made and a matrimonial to many... And beauty and impressiveness to the turn the reforest.

Why continue to live? Why put off changing? Is the encouragement of old ways much charming than life?

Look to the sun. Look to the downfall. Look to the clouds changing. Do they be full of on? The torrents of bonfire the sun puts up next to day after day? Woe, the explosions lots nowadays greater than what we\\'ve seen as nuclear present on terrestrial planet are so ubiquitous so our sun. Those explosions offer us life!

And live!


Being fully animate and sanitization our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our liquor as we go is being immortal!

When our beings let go of fear, we go ensconced in identicalness.

Oneness IS the eonian.

Love is Immortal.

Love is Oneness.

Oneness is emotion.

We longish for the deathless because location....

This is who we cognise we are!

© Sarah West 2005

    創作者 sazdeacon 的頭像


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